A comprehensive platform for property and facility management

Complete information about your facility, equipment, employees, cost, records and plans – all in one place and accessible online. Anywhere. Anytime.


360-degree view of your business ecosystem
in one App

Whole Facility Management system
on one Platform

Whole Facility Management system
on one Platform

Наші партнери про Prengi

Відео відгуки

Як ми працюємо?

5 кроків, щоб почати!


Наш представник надає загальну інформацію про програму Prengi та її можливості.

1 година

Підписання договору

Документація рішеннь, сформована відповідно до запиту клієнта.

1 тиждень

Формування проектної документації

Збір інформації, послуги консультації, аналіз бізнес-процесів, навчання персоналу. Терміни залежать від галузі та розмірів компанії.

від 1 тижня до 1 місяця

Налаштування системи та промислово-дослідна експлуатація

Верифікація всіх процесів для декількох об'єктів, враховуючи збір і організацію даних клієнтом

близько 2 місяців

Передача системи та активація підтримки

Навчання та підтримка персоналу, підведення підсумків проекту.

1 тиждень

Calculate savings
of using Prengi

    Created and backed
    by experts

    Prengi is a complete expert solution for managing ALL facility management processes. From analysis and work order management to energy management and equipment maintenance. The goal of Prengi - save you from chaos that is often caused during real estate exploitation.
    Мета Prengi - врятувати Вас від хаосу, який часто виникає в процесі експлуатації нерухомості.

    Process automation,
    Cost optimization

    Prengi is computerized maintenance management system (CMMs) that simplifies management processes through automation. The platform allows to control the quality of services, push your service to the next level and avoid the mistakes of «manual management». You will save money and direct your freed time to other aspects of business development.

    Expertise in Real Estate

    Prengi was created by Facility Management professionals with 15-years of practical experience of Real Estate management. We are applying technical innovations, accommodating our platform for your business's specific needs and provide support on every step of your experience with Prengi. We have won The Award as The best innovative product in 2020 according to the EBRD.


    Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) software tracks all maintenance processes and creates reports that are integrated into your business processes. Wherever you are and whenever you want you can get statistic of any parameter, track efficiency of resource management or identify loss and growth points.

    what will you gain

    Boost your results

    Prengi helps to accelerate your business growth, minimize
    operational risks, save time and money
    Accelerated task
    0 %
    Reduced effect of a
    human factor
    0 %
    Increased employee
    0 %
    Faster decision
    0 %

    Book a demo

      Successful stories

      Our happy clients


      Accelerated task completion “It's really fast. The tenant can track his application, is it agreed or not agreed, in real time”
      Olga Glushko
      Administrator of Aladin Shopping Mall


      Increased employee efficiency “The choice was quite easy to make, since there are no worthy analogues of the Prengi program on the market for now”
      Katerina Boichenko
      Head of the benefits and compensation department of SHEN company


      Increased employee efficiency “There is a constant possibility of control, you see what is happening, how even my subordinates react”
      Maria Komirenko
      Director of Aladin Shopping Mall and Pyramida Shopping Mall


      Faster decision making “An important thing is the mobile version. A person does not have to be tied to a PC, he has the opportunity to log-in from his cell phone and track the status of his application any time and, in fact, receive a positive response”
      Olga Glushko
      Administrator of Aladin Shopping Mall


      Reduced effect of a human factor “The Prengi program allows us to solve a wide range of issues related to collaboration with our clients: cleaning, security, maintenance service”
      Katerina Boichenko
      Head of the benefits and compensation department of SHEN company


      Reduced effect of a human factor “We ourselves created checklists that were exported to the Prenji program, and now our administrator only needs a smartphone to inspect”
      Maria Komirenko
      Director of Aladin Shopping Mall and Pyramida Shopping Mall


      Reduced effect of a human factor “Yes, we certainly use the Prengi system… We have established communication with tenants to resolve all internal issues such as: import and export of goods, repair work”
      Olga Glushko
      Administrator of Aladin Shopping Mall


      Faster decision making “Due to this program, we can respond with lightning speed to any request of our client, and accordingly, this increases their trust in us”
      Katerina Boichenko
      Head of the benefits and compensation department of SHEN company


      Accelerated task completion "I have experience in various industries, and I can definitely recommend Prengi to all companies that are dealing with services and internal communication, whether it is a resident or a tenant, or a client with whom you constantly communicate"
      Maria Komirenko
      Director of Aladin Shopping Mall and Pyramida Shopping Mall


      Our awards

      V.A. Solutions

      The best innovative product


      The best innovative product in 2020
      according to the EBRD


      Our Clients

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